Certified School Nurse for 2020-2021 School Year
School District– Schaumburg Consolidated School District 54
Location– Schaumburg Illinois
Job Type – Full Time
Category – Registered Nurse with PEL endorsement on Teacher Salary Scale
Description; the certified school nurse is assigned to one individual school and is there five days a week.
How to apply – https://www.applitrack.com/sd54/onlineapp/default.aspx?all=1
Refer questions to joanbeniacs@sd54.org
Qualifications – Illinois Professional Educators License with School Nurse Endorsement
- Assessed and develops individualized care plans students.
- Serve as an active, contributing member of the special education team, identifying, evaluating, and providing care for student in special education programs.
- Monitoring compliance for immunizations and physical requirements.
- Managing communicable disease in accordance with requirements from the local health department.
- Overseeing daily operation of the school health office providing medication administration, medical treatments and emergency care.
- Coordinate vision and hearing screens
- Providing health-related education to students and staff.
- Maintaining accurate student health records.
- Serves as a liaison between parents, school and the community in health matters.