Town Hall Meeting April Town Hall Meeting will be Sponsored by Neurelis. More program information coming soon!
Our April Town Hall Meeting will be Sponsored by Neurelis. More program information coming soon!
May Town Hall Meeting - Collecting and Submitting School Health Data Speaker: Dena Hinkle DNP, MEd, APRN, NCSN, IL PEL-CSN, FNP-BC A recent evaluation of Illinois school health metric data submitted to the National Association of School Nurses’ National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts! revealed that a very small percentage of Illinois school […]
Half Day Conference for the Care of School Age Children Presented by The Illinois Association of School Nurses and Advocate Children’s Hospital Wednesday, May 19, 2021 Registration is free but limited. Conference outcome: Participants will describe with detail how at least one concept or practice idea presented will be integrated into their practice and setting. […]
Half Day Conference for the Care of School Age Children Presented by The Illinois Association of School Nurses and Advocate Children’s Hospital Friday, May 21, 2021 Registration is free but limited. Conference outcome: Participants will describe with detail how at least one concept or practice idea presented will be integrated into their practice and setting. […]
The Illinois PANDAS/PANS Advisory Council & The Illinois Association of School Nurses present: School Team Supports for PANS/PANDAS This presentation will address responsibilities and considerations of the school team members for a student with a PANS/PANDAS diagnosis. Attendees will get information regarding the importance of communication between team members and family and processes for the […]
July Town Hall Meeting - SHIELD Illinois Sponsored by Maxim Healthcare Staffing Speakers: Beth Heller, Rebecca Lee Smith & Debbie Broadfield Beth Heller Senior Director, External Relations SHIELD Illinois A veteran marketing executive and life-long Chicagoan, Beth Heller brings more than 25 years of experience and expertise to SHIELD Illinois, including strategic planning, executing high-profile events, leveraging influencer relations and implementing media-management and brand marketing. At SHIELD Illinois, Beth oversees […]
The School Nurse's Role With IEP's A free Webinar Co-Sponsored by: The Illinois Association of School Nurses and The NASN Special Needs School Nurses - Special Interest Group. The purpose of this educational activity is to inform school nurses regarding their role with serving students through a special education IEP and how to document health […]
Illinois Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) is pleased to announce that an online School Nurse Emergency Care (SNEC) course is now available. This online training is based on the original in-person, 3-day SNEC course and is designed to enhance the assessment, triaging, and treatment skills of the school nurse when confronted with the acutely […]
This activity will provide updates to school nurses and other clinicians to prepare for the start of the school year. Especially with the past year being so heavily focused on COVID-19, nurses need to be prepared for new school criteria and restrictions that aligns with the best interests of their students. This activity will include […]
Sponsorships - Thriving in School Nursing: Transforming Student Health - 2021 Virtual IASN Conference This conference is an opportunity for companies and organizations to exhibit services, information or products of interest to School Nurses and public health. We are inviting your organization to partner with us a sponsor for this event. Platinum Sponsorship $3,500 Recognition on […]
Registration for this event has closed. Please watch for the On-Demand offering coming soon. Thriving in School Nursing: Transforming Student Health The IASN board is proud to offer a virtual experience for our members. As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was important to IASN to offer an opportunity for school nurses […]
School Nurses & Pediatricians Working Together on Mitigating COVID-19 in Schools In Collaboration with Illinois Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics Presented by: Dr. Daniel Johnson, MD. Daniel Johnson, MD, is a respected physician, researcher and teacher. He is an expert in pediatric infectious diseases and in the care of HIV-infected children. Additionally, Dr. Johnson is committed […]