School District: Waukegan School District 60
- Glen Flora Elementary
- Glenwood Elementary
- Lyon Elementary
- Oakdale Elementary
- Washington Elementary
Job Type: Full-Time
Category: School Nurse
- To serve as a consultant to school personnel on matters involving the health of pupils;
- Promote an awareness of the health needs of pupils;
- Provide direct services to children who require immediate medical care;
- Attempt to prevent the spread of communicable diseases within the school environment;
- To refer children to appropriate sources for medical diagnosis and treatment;
- Participate in the formation of policies and procedures for the school health program;
- Work with various groups that have an interest in the health of public school children;
- Maintain lines of communication with medical doctors who are treating children who have medical problems and/or special health needs;
- In-service all staff annually and as needed on Universal Precautions;
- Be an active participant of Pupil Personnel Staff;
- Complete a Health History for students having a complete case study evaluation and a Health History Update for students due for their 3-year evaluations;
- Provide support and guidance to pupils who have chronic and/or serious health problems in order to help the pupils adjust to the school environment;
- Assume a leadership role in the identification of those students with health needs that interfere with effective learning by uncovering health problems through observation, interviews, and analysis of records;
- Educate teachers and other school personnel to recognize and report health problems;
- Hold conferences, formal and informal, with teachers and other school personnel to help them learn to appropriately manage children who have health problems;
- Serve as a resource person in the area of health education to teachers and other personnel;
- Teach pupils, directly and indirectly, about personal health procedures and habits;
- Promote compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois that pertain to physical examinations, immunizations, and other health matters;
- Make referrals for students who have failed Vision and/or Hearing screening and follow up with parents who need assistance;
- Scoliosis screening and referral;
- Maintain health records for each pupil;
- Make home calls to obtain necessary information, inform parents of health problems, and promote parental cooperation;
- Survey the school environment for safety hazards and poor sanitary conditions and report undesirable conditions to the principal;
- Participate in efforts to control communicable diseases;
- Explain the scope of school health services to new staf
How to apply:
Application Deadline: Until filled