- Term: Elected to serve a term of two (2) years. May not serve more than two consecutive terms.
- Qualifications
- Active member of IASN/NASN
- Meet criteria for Active membership throughout term of office
- Previous experience as a member of the IASN Board or active committee membership/supporting role preferred.
- Ability to use computer for developing spreadsheets/balance sheets recommended
- Working knowledge of or willingness to learn an accounting program
- Responsibilities:
- Work with the Governance Coordinator.
- Maintain and manage the Association’s monies
- Maintain the financial records of the Association
- Submit a financial report at each Board meeting, and at the Annual Meeting
- Pay the Association’s expenditures upon receipt of vouchers within the confines of the approved budget.
- File required IRS tax forms annually
- Ex Officio member of Finance Committee
- Assist Finance Committee in drafting the budget annually
- Make financial books available for auditing prior to the Annual Meeting
- Act as official Secretary of IASN
- Record or assign a recording secretary to maintain meeting minutes of the IASN board and IASN annual meeting.
- See IASN Operating Guidelines and Bylaws for specific responsibilities, deadlines, procedures.